Thursday, June 19, 2014

There Isn't Enough Money in the World...

... to make me take that prescription anymore!
I have been taking Pamelor (Nortriptyline) for about 4 weeks, I have only worked up to 10 milligrams.  I have to say the last 2 weeks have been getting increasingly difficult for me.  Tapering off of Prozac pales in comparison.  I had some dizziness that tapered off after 2 days that my doc reassured me was probably the Prozac.
     So how about a list of all of my side effects for the nitty gritty on how I have been doing?  First I have been increasingly irritible  and down right short tempered over the month.  My patience is nearly non-existent.  I became dizzy again (mild) the last few days with only two instance when I had to sit down.  This may be because of the prozac but I don't think so at this point, it's been too long.   It was worse today as perhaps a withdrawal symptom, I don't know.   I also feel increasingly hyperactive, mostly mentally, althoug it seemed a bit better since stopping the medication last night.  And I am really hungry!  People have been known to gain weight on this medication and I can see why.  I am an angry, walking snickers commercial, since I am a bit hypoglycemic anyway.  My memory seems kind of poor, but that could be in part due to the fact that I felt so hy-look a squirrel... sorry... hyper.  And anxiety?  I woud have to say yes, I've had some.
   I document all this because I think it means something to those of you who have experienced this with a medication, and I don't mind telling it like it is to those who might think treating depression with medication is an easy fix.  You can see why I wanted to cut and run.  I don't think I've had this much trouble with any medication I have taken so far.
     So what now?  I am taking a break from meds for at least a month.  I am honestly not sure what my baseline is.  There has been so much change lately, my doctor even hinted at it the last visit.  The last time I had nothing in  my system was about 3 years ago.  The thing is, I could be better off without medication and I don't know it, there seems to have been some sort of shift in my overall response to meds.  Hopefully I can get some insight from the experience.

     I wanted to mention to, that I have thougth more about the myths surrounding mental illness, there are so many.  I would like to talk about that more and maybe address some of them, perhaps one in each post.  And darn it all, I forgot about this cartoon.  It would have been perfect for the last post!

If Physical Diseases Were Treated Like Mental Illness

If Physical Diseases Were Treated Like Mental Illness
Via: Robot-Hugs

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